Communication Department

About Communications
Building Connections Inside and Out
Communicating Christ’s message of love, forgiveness and redemption is the purpose of the Communication Department.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has as its core purpose the spreading of the everlasting gospel to the world; taking into consideration the times in which we live. The communication department of the United African SDA Church aims to provide members with the tools and information necessary to make this possible.
The department amongst others oversees the streaming of worship service through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, etc. We also publish newsletters and weekly bulletins to keep members informed of all the activities in the church. In order to do this, the department will use all available media, and produce content that is relevant to specific demographics within the respective publics.
The Communication Department acts as a facilitator to Administration and all departments of the Church in witnessing to the community; as well as assist in getting its’ message to both internal and external publics.