Sabbath School

About Sabbath School Ministry

The Sabbath School department, as the name implies, is a school, a training ground where God’s word is the only textbook and there is no graduation. The Sabbath School Department focuses its activities on studying the word of God through class participation in regular sabbath school study; as well as participating in community outreach through spreading the word to friends and families in our immediate community. Our Sabbath School department has made provisions to include individuals who are homebound. Some of the sick and old in our congregation have also been blessed by our Home Sabbath School worship where we aim to maintain physical touch with them.

The department also tries to spread the love of Christ in our immediate community as evidenced by events such as Community Guest Day, Visitors Sabbath, as well as partnering with the Community Service and Personal Ministry departments to provide food, clothing and medicine and literature as a way of drawing people to Christ.

Upcoming Event


Contact & Leadership

Ministry Leader

Sis. Enyinne Levy
