Family Ministry

About Family Ministry
Our Motto:
We are imperfect people with our share of daily family life struggles. We are not psychologists. We offer our listening ears and pray that the Good Lord will heal our families.
Our Vision:
Empower families to know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live together as faithful disciples for the glory of God.
Our Goal:
To engage families (the nucleus of the Church) in experiences that will strengthen family life, regardless of how these families are configured.
- Address the varied types of families in our Church.
- Identify challenges facing families today.
- Empower people to learn to be Christ-like in their relationships.
- Facilitate times of personal sharing, prayer, and learning.
- Strengthen and enrich marriage through discussion of romance, intimacy, prayer, and forgiveness.
- Discuss communication styles and techniques.
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