Prayer Ministry

About Prayer Ministry


Prayer is the key that unlocks heaven's storehouse. The efficacy of prayer is the lifeline of every serious Christian.

It is in most cases, the most effective way by which we communicate with our Father in heaven.

The livewire of every child of God lies in their ability to seek God earnestly through fervent prayer. Our daily interaction with heaven is made possible by our sincere prayer to our Father in heaven.

"Your word have l hidden in my heart that I might not sin against Thee, O Lord" (Psalm 119:11).

When Christ was on earth, He taught us to pray, and He Himself did pray also. Therefore, we ought to be very careful that we emulate His pathway in order to make prayer the cornerstone of our daily living.

Remember, our spiritual life is sustained by our persistence in prayer at all times.

The Prayer Ministry will continue to intercede on behalf of our members and the community because a church that prays together, stays together.

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Contact & Leadership

Ministry Leader

Sis. Chidinma Nnaji
