Stewardship Department

About Stewardship Ministry
In the stewardship department our main goal is to encourage members to respond to God by using all the resources given to us by God to work for Him. When we talk about resources, it doesn’t end with money but it includes the proper care and use of the body, mind, time, spiritual gifts, abilities, proper training of our children, relationships, influence, language, the environment, talent and material possessions. The department encourages members in their partnership with God in completing His mission through proper utilization of His gifts and resources. When the Spirit of God takes possession of your life “those whose hearts are filled with the love of Christ will follow the example of Him who for our sake became poor, that through His poverty we might be made rich.
Money, time, influence – all the gifts they have received from God’s hand will have value only as a means of advancing the work of the gospel”.
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