Deacons & Deaconesses
About Our Deacons
Serving God's House
As the deacons of this congregation, we aim to be first in the line of servitude to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God’s house is an important venue and deserves to be kept in the best condition possible. We are trying to work hand in hand with the building department to accomplish this goal. We are far from perfect as men, and we have all fallen short of our Lord’s glory, but through grace we can be saved. I pray that God help us strive to be the men that He has ordained us to be. It is our duty to be wherever we are called and fulfill the tasks that are placed in front of us. I pray the good Lord help us to do this, as well as help in our individual and collective spiritual journeys.
About Our Deaconesses
Serving God's House
The word “Deaconess” was first used to address Phoebe (Romans 6:1) who was one of the dedicated women who served in the early church. The word “diakonon” is synonymous to theword “diakonos” used to describe the first seven deacons in Acts 6:2. This word refers to the different kinds of services that are rendered in the church. Therefore, to be a deaconess in the church of God is a spiritual calling to be a servant.
The roles of deaconesses are as follows: assist in greeting and ushering, upkeep of the church property, caring for the sick and poor, security, assistance with baptisms and arrangement for communion services. Our roles are not limited to the above-mentioned duties because as Deaconesses, we are able to use our spiritual gifts to minister to our guests and our church members in different ways.
Our objective is to work in harmony with the church leadership to ensure that everyone who enters our church will feel the love and warmth of Jesus. Christ is our perfect example, and we are pledged by His grace to serve the church as Christ did.
“…whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26).
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